Circuit Simulation Project

FOSSEE, IIT Bombay, invites students, faculty, and practitioners of electrical and electronics and allied fields to the Circuit Simulation project using eSim. We want you to convert existing circuit design and simulations into eSim through the following steps and get honorarium and certificates:
  1. Download eSim by clicking on this link.
  2. Install and learn to use eSim through these Spoken Tutorials.
  3. Take any circuit (from a previous project report, textbook, or journal) and rebuild it using eSim.
  4. A few samples are available at Completed Simulations.
  5. To send the completed circuit simulations and further help, please contact us at: contact-esim[at]fossee[dot]in
  6. If you need any assistance our team will help you with other formalities, such as registering on our web page, documenting your simulations, uploading it, etc.


Students (UG, PG, research scholars, etc.), faculty members, industry professionals, startup employees, freelancers, and other professionals from various fields, including Electrical, Electronics, VLSI, Computer Science, Communication, Instrumentation, Physics, Biomedical, and related disciplines, are welcome to participate.



To learn using eSim, please refer to page Spoken Tutorials on eSim.