FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2019
- The registration for FOSSEE Summer Fellowship 2019 starts on 1 February 2019.
- For registration, click here, create a new account and enroll for the course "eSim FSF 2019" course.
- To view the complete list of projects, click here.
Click here to know the important dates
Resources to learn eSim:
- To start learning eSim, refer to these Spoken Tutorials on eSim.
- To learn how to use KiCad and ngspice you can refer to the Spoken Tutorials of the same.
- Click here to download completed eSim circuit simulations.
- Click here to download completed textbook companions.
- Click here to access the script that will guide you to use the subcircuit builder feature.
- Click here to access the script that will guide you to use the device modelling feature.
Click here to download eSim.
Screening Tasks :
(i) Create 5 components in eSim using subcircuit builder or/and device modelling features.
(ii) Each component created has to be verified for its characteristics/working using an example.
(iii) If any user wishes to, he/she can implement a complex circuit involving minimum 3 components created by him/her. (Optional, but highly recommended as this will improve your chances of being selected for the fellowship).
Note: Minimum 1 component out of 5 must be created using subcircuit builder feature, you may use device modelling for the rest. Components and subcircuits already present under eSim libraries will not be accepted.
Technical Requirements: Basics of Electronic Devices and Circuits and Basics of Digital Electronics.
Procedure to Submit Screening Task :
After you register and your proposal is approved by the team, you may start working on creating the components. The verification results of each component need to be placed in a zip file and uploaded in "Component-* Circuit Simulation" under eSim FSF 2019 course.
- Example: Verification results of component 1 needs to be uploaded in Component-1 Circuit Simulation in a zip file.
The contents of the zip files, should be according to the guidelines provided below :
- The completed circuit simulation files in a zip folder must contain the following:
- analysis, .bak, .cir, .cir.out, .pro, .proj, .sch, .sub(if subckt is used), cache.bak, .lib.xml,
- eSim_Subckt.dcm, eSim_Subckt.lib files and eSim_****.lib, eSim_****.dcm files of eSim library under which you have created the new component.
- Example- If you created a component under eSim_Devices library, you have to attach the eSim_Devices.lib and eSim_Devices.dcm files.
- Note :
- Default location of .lib and .dcm files for Ubuntu OS : /home/user/Downloads/eSim-1.1.2/kicadSchematicLibrary/ .
- Default location of .lib and .dcm files for Windows OS : C:/Users/user/Downloads/eSim-Windows-Installer/eSim/kicadSchematicLibrary/
- Example- If you created a component under eSim_Devices library, you have to attach the eSim_Devices.lib and eSim_Devices.dcm files.
- You should also submit the abstract in PDF format. The abstract should have the following sections:
- Title, Theory/ description, Circuit diagram(s), Results/ Output (ngspice and Python plots), References. (All sections are mandatory)
- To see example of resultant zip file and abstract PDF, click here.
- Avoid spaces in eSim project names.
- Follow this naming convention: yourfirstname_circuitname (the name of the circuit and project files should be same).
- Give the appropriate names and values to each circuit elements.
- Give the label to respective nodes to plot input and output waveform.
- Use proper models of the devices.
Note: You can modify (edit) your submission till the submission deadline.
Evaluation Criteria :
The completed tasks will be evaluated on the basis of:
- Functionality and complexity of the components created by you.
- Use of proper sources or references.
The circuit simulation results of the complex circuit, simulated using the components created by you(applicable only if you opt for the optional task.
For Fellowship in eSim Software Development, visit
Note :
- If not selected for the fellowship, you are still eligible for Circuit Simulation Project certificate and honorarium upon successful completion of the complex circuit simulation, provided your complex circuit design is not already present under Completed Circuit Simulations. Honorarium amount depends on the quality and complexity of the circuit.
- For any queries, mail to "contact-esim[at]fossee[dot]in" with subject line as "FOSSEE Fellowship 2019 - eSim"