Ngspice Commands
Commands used in Ngspice-
- help - It opens ngspice manual and gives information about all ngspice commands.
- listing - It prints the current netlist of the ciruit.
- print v(out) or print v(3) - It prints the voltage valuesof corresponding node name or node number.
- plot v(out) or plot v(3) - It plots the voltage values of corresponding node name or node number.
- plot v(in1,in2) or print v(2,1) - It plots the voltage differrence of two nodes.
- plot v(in1) - v(in2) or print v(2) - v(1) - It plots or prints the voltage differrence of two nodes.
- plot v(in1) + v(in2) or print v(2) + v(1) - It plots or prints the voltage addition of two nodes.
- plot v(in1) * v(in2) or print v(2) * v(1) - It plots or prints the voltage multiplication of two nodes.
- plot v(in1) / v(in2) or print v(2) / v(1) - It plots or prints the voltage division of two nodes.
- plot i(vs) or print i(v1)- It prints the current values of corresponding branch. Here we have connect 0v voltage source in series(vs or v1),to find current in particular branch.
- plot i(v2) or plot i(vout) - It plots the current values of corresponding branch. Here we have connect 0v voltage source in series(vs or v1),to find current in particular branch.
- plot mag(v(2)) or print mag(v(2)) - It plots or prints magnitude values of corresponding node.
- plot db(v(2)) or print db(v(2)) - It plots or prints volatge values of corresponding node in decibel.
- plot imag(v(2)) or print imag(v(2)) - It plots or prints imaginary part of voltage values of corresponding node.
- plot phase(v(2)) or print phase(v(2))- It plots or prints phase values of corresponding node in radian.
- plot 180/PI*phase(v(2)) or print 180/PI*phase(v(2)) - It plots or prints phase values of corresponding node in degree.