Installation issues and solutions

If OSCAD is installed on 64 bit Windows XP, there will be a problem launching OSCAD through Start menu. Launch OSCAD through command prompt instead. To do this, open command prompt and type the following one after the other:

  • cd \
  • cd OSCAD\OSCAD\forntEnd
  • python oscad.py

Now Oscad window will open up.

Usage issues and solutions

  1. If a footprint library error is displayed on opening Footprint Editor, do the following:

      On the footprint editor window, click on Preferences and choose Options.

      In the footprint library files section, click on ADD.

      Browse to the path where kicad is installed. Then go to KiCad\share\modules.

      Manually select all the .mod files and click on Open.

      Do the same for KiCad\share\modules\packages3d.

  2. If on launching Ngspice, an error, "System cannot execute the program" occurs, download and install the exe file from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29 then Relaunch Oscad.

  3. If you are unable to launch KiCad, then uninstall KiCad and install it again in the C directory. For installing, go to Oscad windows installer folder. Go to the folder resources. Double click on the KiCad.exe file. Give the installation path as C:\ After installation, change the environment variable path of Kicad to C:\KiCad\bin.